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Originally delivered on 4/21/2024 6:07 pm

SUBJECT: The Lovett Letter - April 21, 2024

April 21, 2024
Teacher Appreciation

Please share with NEW families attending Lovett next year (24-25) that registration is now open! Current Lovett families do not need to register. Questions? Call 713-295-5258 and speak with Ms. Sims or Mrs. Adams. 

Leader in Me at Home

As we continue to nurture the growth and development of our children, it's crucial to recognize the importance of leadership roles within the family unit. At home, our children have the opportunity to cultivate essential leadership skills that will serve them throughout their lives.

The Leader in Me program encourages us to foster leadership qualities in our children, helping them become confident, responsible, and proactive individuals. By assigning them roles and responsibilities within the household, we not only teach them valuable life skills but also instill a sense of ownership and pride in their contributions.

Whether it's leading a household meeting, managing chores, or mentoring younger siblings, every task provides an opportunity for our children to practice leadership in a safe and supportive environment. Through these experiences, they learn to communicate effectively, make decisions, and collaborate with others—skills that are essential for success in school, work, and beyond.

Together, let's embrace the journey of developing leaders at home and watch as our children grow into capable and compassionate individuals who positively impact their communities.

PTO Leadership Opportunities

We're happy to report that all of the voting Board member positions are returning for their 2nd term for the 2024-25 school year!  We will vote the slate in at the May PTO meeting. Therefore, we just need a few key spots filled to make it another successful year at Lovett. 

If you would like to volunteer or you know someone who would be a great fit, please email Amy Ripper at

President Elect

  • Act as an aide to the President and learn the position
  • Assume other responsibilities as assigned by the Board
  • Commit to serve as the next President of the Board and serve on any committee as determined by the Board. This is a non-voting position. 

Assistant Treasurer

  • Assists the Treasurer is all matters pertaining to the Treasurer role
  • Handles vendor payments, PTO credit card purchases, bank deposits, facilitating the Square terminals
  • Is in training to be able to become the Treasurer for the following year. This is a non-voting position.

Committee Chairs

  • Fall Fundraising Campaign
  • Fall Festival
  • Movie Night
  • Father/Daughter Dance
  • Mother/Son Dance

Email with questions or nominations!

HISD fosters educational opportunities in the classroom and beyond, ensuring all students achieve greatness after graduation. HISD students and families are invited to attend the 12th annual When I Grow Up career expo on Saturday, April 27. There, they can explore unique careers in high-demand, high-growth industries and enjoy hands-on experiences, stimulating exhibits, and activities to engage and motivate students. 

Input Needed - Help the PTO plan for the 2024-2025 school year!

As you know, it takes a lot of effort and time from our volunteers to put on the many activities at Lovett each year.  The PTO is requesting feedback from the community on those events to make sure your favorite events continue next year.  Please take a moment to fill out the survey in the link below.

Youth Art Showcase
Save the Date!
Volunteers Needed

We can't do it without you! Please consider volunteering to help at the Book Fair. The story starts with you! 

Click here to sign up!

Family Night with The Children's Museum
Hazel Health

HISD has partnered with Hazel Telehealth to provide physical and mental health care for students.  See flyer for more information and consent form. 

PreKindergarten Updates

For Families Considering Enrollment in Pre-Kindergarten (Pre-K) at HISD for the 2024-2025 Academic Year,

We are pleased to share details about the revamped Pre-Kindergarten (Pre-K) Application and Enrollment procedures for the upcoming 2024-2025 school year within the Houston Independent School District (HISD). This information is pertinent to both existing HISD families and those expressing interest in applying to our district.

For further information, kindly refer to the provided link. Should you have any inquiries, please feel free to reach out to Tane Sims at

Looking for a neighborhood preschool?
Follow Us on Social Media
Lovett Elementary Parents and Teachers Lovett Elementary School PTO

Online Resources

VIPS Certification

  • You must be VIPS Certified to volunteer on campus or join your student for lunch. 

Sign Up for Moms and Dads Clubs!

PTO Meeting Dates

  • May 8 - Lovett cafeteria 8:00 am
2024 Calendar
Friday, April 26
Report Card - 5
Saturday, May 4
8:00a Playground Mulching Day
Monday, May 6
Spring Book Fair
Tuesday, May 7
Spring Book Fair
Wednesday, May 8
Spring Book Fair
8:00a PTO General Mtg.
Thursday, May 9
Spring Book Fair
Friday, May 10
Spring Book Fair
Monday, May 27
Memorial Day / No School
Wednesday, June 5
Last Day of School
Report Card - 6

Click HERE to learn more about our Corporate Sponsors

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