Welcome to Lovett PE!
Dear Lovett Parents,
Welcome to Lovett! My Name is Coach Ruiz, and I am entering my 5th year of teaching Physical Education at Lovett Elementary. This year I look forward to working with your child in the areas of physical and motor development, nutrition, personal hygiene, good sportsmanship, and exercise. We would love to create a life-long desire of healthy living with an emphasis on being physically fit and making smart food choices. We are counting on your support and anticipate working together for the benefit of your child.
Please make note of the following:
· Your child has PE once a week. Please ask your child to write down what day he/she goes to PE so that you can help them prepare accordingly. For PE class, your child is required to wear socks and tennis shoes. If your child does not wear tennis shoes and socks, they will receive a conduct cut. Please dress according to the weather since most of our classes will be held outside. I prefer your child to wear traditional tennis shoes with laces (no zippers or high wedges) as these provide the best support for your child while exercising. If your child does not know how to tie his/her shoes, please help us by teaching him/her to do so as soon as possible. I also would appreciate it if your child would NOT wear skirts, jeans, or tight pants to PE, but rather clothes that permit mobility and comfort while playing. Your child is encouraged to bring a water bottle to PE class, as hydration is important.
· This year we will continue selling Lovett PE t-shirts. It is not a required PE uniform, but it would be helpful for your child to wear them on PE days, as they are loose and appropriate for PE activities. The short-sleeved t-shirts are $10.00. There will be a form to purchase these t-shirts in the Wednesday folder. Please fill it out carefully and send it in an envelope with cash (no checks allowed)
· If your child is not allowed to participate in physical activity due to an injury or illness, we will need a note from the doctor or parent. If your child does not have a note, he/she will be unexcused from PE that day and receive a conduct cut for not participating. If your child has an ongoing medical problem that hinders their PE participation for more than a week, we will need a note from the DOCTOR.
· We hope that as you read through the Parent/Student Information Handbook, you note the lunch guidelines. Again, we are asking that you do not bring fast food lunches to your child at school. We feel strongly about this for several reasons. Fast foods, which are typically high in fat and with little nutritional value, goes against everything I will be trying to teach your child about making healthy food choices. Also, soft drinks are NOT allowed to be consumed by students during lunch time.
We hope that the 2021-2022 school year is successful in many ways for you and your child. At Lovett Elementary, we are dedicated to providing a challenging, yet nurturing, learning environment. Please join us as we teach your child to make wise choices and goals concerning both their minds and bodies. If you have any concerns or questions throughout the year, please do not hesitate to email us. Thank you for your support and we look forward to a wonderful year!
Coach Ruiz aruiz6@houstonisd.org
Please sign and turn in to the Coach Ruiz.
Student Name __________________________________________Grade _____ Teacher ________________________________
Parent/Guardian ___________________________________________________ Phone Number __________________________
My child and I have read and understand the rules and procedures of the 2021-2022 Lovett Elementary Health and Physical Education program.
Signature _________________________________________________________________ Date __________________________
Please CLICK HERE to access the printable form.
After School Basketball is Now Available!
For more information or to register find the official form here!